Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Morocco has a very old and interesting history. The first we know of Morocco is in 1,000 BC where people called the Phoenicians came and settled. The Native people, the Berbers, formed a kingdom at around 400BC. Many dynasties cam and went in he following years. In 1912 Morocco was forced to become a French protectorate. It took until 1956 for Morocco to break free of French rule and become an independent country. A constitution was made in 1962 followed by another in 1970.

Here is a timeline from BBC news of events before the French took full control.

7th and 8th Centuries AD - Arab invasion; Idris founds the first major Muslim dynasty.
10-17th Centuries - Dynasties and religious movements come and go, including the Almoravid movement which at its peak controlled Morocco and parts of present-day Algeria and Spain.
1860 - Dispute over Spain's Ceuta enclave; Spain declares war, wins a further enclave and an enlarged Ceuta in the settlement.
1884 - Spain creates a protectorate in coastal areas of Morocco.
1904 - France and Spain carve out zones of influence.
1906 - Algeciras Conference in Spain; France and Spain get the go-ahead to police Moroccan ports and collect customs fees

Morocco still has quite a bit of its ancient architecture and a lot of traditional customs from the early settlers and the natives.

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